Amelia Van Handel
Undergraduate: University of Wisconsin – Madison (Neurobiology)
Medical School: Mayo Medical School, 2016
Hometown: Little Chute, Wisconsin
Research Interests
Surgical education and curriculum development
Selected Publications
Contreras, N., Joyce, D. D., Van Handel, A. C. and Farley, D. R. (2015). Video voiceover feedback: economized surgical skills training. Medical Education, 49: 1146. doi: 10.1111/medu.12870
Van Handel, A.C.; Courson, A.M.; Hamilton, G.S. Improving Suturing Skills Using Foam Skin Simulator.
Hammoudeh, Z.S.; Van Handel, A.C.; Akhavan, A.A.; Nichols III, F.C.; Carlsen, B.T.; Moran, S.L.; Mardini, S.; Arnold, P.G. Intrathoracic Muscle Flaps: A 20-year Experience of 437 Consecutive Patients.
Van Handel, A.C.; Joyce, D.L.; Contreras, N.; Farley, D.R. Training Surgical Skills in Medical Students.
Akdag, O.; Van Handel, A.C.; Carlsen, B.T.; Bakri, K.; Comparative Outcomes for Allograft and Tubed Nerve Repair.
Hammoudeh, Z. S., A. C. Van Handel, et al. (2015). “Abstract 43: Intrathoracic Muscle Flaps: A 20-year Experience of 437 Consecutive Patients.” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 135(4): 1199.
Brainwaves: Creating early enthusiasm about science and medicine through interactive learning techniques. Family Medicine 14th annual Family Medicine Forum, Rochester, Minnesota
Intrathoracic Muscle Flaps: A 20-year Experience of 437 Consecutive Patients, 20th Annual Balfour Surgery Research Symposium, Rochester, Minnesota
Teaching, Assessing, and Remediating in the Age of Milestones: A General Surgery Simulation and AV Curriculum. 2014 ACGME Annual Education Conference, National Harbor, Maryland
Intrathoracic Muscle Flaps: A 20-year Experience of 437 Consecutive Patients, 94th Annual Meeting, American Association of Plastic Surgeons, Scottsdale, Arizona
Intrathoracic Muscle Flaps: Comparison of Outcomes for Infection versus Prophylactic Airway Coverage, Plastic Surgery Research Council 60th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington
Improving Suturing Skills Using Foam Skin Simulator: 2014 Fall Meeting of the Minnesota Surgical Society, Rochester, Minnesota
Intrathoracic Muscle Flaps: A 20-year Experience of 437 Consecutive Patients, 54th Annual Midwestern Association of Plastic Surgeons Meeting, Chicago, Illinois